Sunday, March 29, 2015


Buenas Tardes!

As y´all just read from my subject line, Im getting a new compa! Again haha. Hopefully this next one will stick around a while ;P My dear compa Hermana Adams is getting transferred to a different place in the capital and I am receiving....drum roll.... a Latina! Her name is Hermana Martinez and she doesn´t speak any English whatsoever! Yikes! Nah, I am actually really excited :) This is definitely going to be a fun and very interesting experience. Im just praying that she´ll have a lot of patience with me and my not-so-fluent Spanish. Ive heard from many people that she is the nicest and most sweetest missionary :) She´s also going to be our Hermana Lider. Or Sister Leader, which means she is in charge of some of the companionships of sisters (make sure everyone is healthy, well, being obedient, and working hard). Which also means that 1. I get to go on exchanges with other hermanas (to observe and help them with my compa) 2. Im going to have to step it up this transfer! Leaders in the mission set the example for other missionaries so we´re going to have to work really hard to get this area to progress. Like I´ve said before, working in the city is much more difficult- but not impossible! I´m stoked :) Good things are gonna happen over here in Bella Vista!

So exciting things are happening this week! Besides transfers, we get to listen to Elder Holland this week! Yep, an apostle of the Lord is coming to this country to specifically talk to us missionaries. Its going to be the first time that the WHOLE west mission is going to be together. I am not only stoked to listen to this amazing man but to also see everyone else in the mission!
Oh and also, we have a temple trip coming up! We only have a temple trip every six months and I just barely missed the other one when I was in the MTC so yay! I am excited to go to the temple again. We had a fun activity last saturday with the women in our ward. We did a ¨Walk for Virtue¨. We all met at the church and then walked to the temple together (not too far but like an hour or so walk). it was really cool because we all wore white, had gold ballons, and carried signs that talked about virtue. We also sang hymns along the way. When we arrived at the temple, we had a little devotional, let our balloons go, took pictures, and ate refreshments. That was my first time going to the temple since September so that was cool. (didnt enter or anything, just walked around the grounds. next week i´ll be able to go inside). 

Anyhoo, sorry this week´s letter is short and kinda boring. Crazy funny things happen every week, I swear! I just always forget them when it comes to writing about it.

Spiritual goodness: This last sunday we had stake conference and our mission president gave a talk. He talked about happiness and how we can find it.... in the book of mormon. He said that there are three things that the book of mormon talks about that will help us obtain happiness
1. Families (1 Nephi 1:1) The BoM is filled with principles, help, and advice for parents to help strengthen their families. 
2. The commandments (Mosiah 2:41) We know that through keeping the commandments, we are blessed. ¨As along as you shall keep my commandments, you shall prosper in the land.¨
3. Establishing Christ as our foundation or rock. (Helaman 5:12) If Jesus is our rock and foundation, we cannot fall.

Truly I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and is scripture. I am so grateful for this Book and the opportunity i have to study from it each day. It is truly a gift that we dont take advantage of nearly enough in our lives. 

I love you all! Take care!


Hna dibble

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