Sunday, March 29, 2015


Hola! So transfers were last week and yep, I was transferred! I am now in the Capital or Santo Domingo, in an area called ¨Bella Vista¨ or ¨Beautiful View¨. But i still trying to discover its inner beauty because it is nothing like my old area of San Juan. San Juan had beautiful montains and trees and sunsets but here it is the city. Tall buildings, guarded apartment buildings, lots of traffic, noise, and busy people. it is very interesting.... but its pretty much like America because theres all the major fast food chains, Krispy Kreme (the only one in the country and its in my area hallelujauh), papa johns, pizza hut, frozen yogurt, and a huge department/grocery store like Walmart. Im still trying to get used to all of it because there was nothing like that in San Juan. 

So here we have a ward, not a branch. I havent met all of the members yet but the ones i have met, i like a lot. A really nice and funny ward (they like to joke a lot, Side story- when they first heard my name and tried to pronounce it, they either say, ¨Hermana Diablo¨ or ¨Hermana Biblia¨ (Devil and bible). I think I prefer the second). And they feed us! All the time! On sunday we had a huge lunch with a great family and then later that night when we had a meeting with the bishop, his wife made us sandwiches. Its so weird... members never invited us over for dinner or lunch in san juan. I could definitely get used to this... But San Juan is a lot poorer. Here the people are pretty rich. Which of course makes it more difficult for teaching. Its harder to get into people´s houses to teach since our area mostly consists of apartment buildings and you cant get in unless someone opens it for you. So thats why we depend a lot on the members and their help in this work.

Oh also, my new comp´s name is Hermana Adams. She is from Washington.. Snohomish,,, yo creo... She has a 11 months in the mission and she´s really nice. Our dynamics are very interesting because she struggles with speaking Spanish but can understand pretty well. I can speak better than her in Spanish but I have a hard time understanding it still. So we depend on each other haha.  
But this area is very interesting and there´s a lot of work to be done. It´s a little bit tougher to baptize but there is a TON of work to be done with inactives. This area´s ward really needs help in that aspect. But as the saying goes, ¨When the going gets tough, the tough get going¨:) 

Yesterday we had a Carribean area conference and Elder Holland spoke. It was a wonderful talk. Now Elder Holland doesn´t speak Spanish so during his talk, there was a translater. But at the end of his talk, he bore his testimony himself in Spanish. The room got so quiet. Everyone was listening very intently. It was a very special moment and the spirit was very strong in the room. He bore such a powerful tesimony. One thing he said is that the two most precious gifts we have in this life are the Gospel and the Atonement. Without these things, we have nothing. This is so true! These are two things that i treasure most dearly in my life and that is why i am here in this crazy foreign countr, that I love so much, serving a mission. I am here to share this Gospel and teach people what our Savior and Lord did for us and continues to do for us. I love this Gospel and I love this Church because we truly have the fulness of the Gospel, which was restored through Joseph Smith. I am so grateful to be here! The Church is true! :) If you find these two things as precious as I do, share them! Share the Gospel! Tell people about Jesus Christ!

I love you all! Thank you for all your love and support! I truly do feel each and every day. Cuídense! 


Hermana Dibble

We went to Wendy´s! It was sooo good! (not my comp, other hermana that i live with)

A little Capital view :) 

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