Sunday, March 29, 2015


Hello all!

How is everyone doing? How are the Christmas festivities going? It still boggles my mind that Christmas is in two weeks and there´s no snow on the ground! It´s just weird to me that I won´t have a white Christmas this year or next. but winter here is glorious. It´s so much cooler now and I love it! It´s nice not to be sweating all the time. 

Alright yáll, so transfer calls came last Saturday. I will be staying in San Juan but my trainer is getting transferred which means I´m receiving a new companion. I am extremely sad that I have to say goodbye to hermana flores. I love her so much and I have so enjoyed our time together. I´m really going to miss her. She´s going to the Capital and my new companion is coming from the capital. My new comp is Hermana Hildman. I guess she´s from Idaho too! I´ll meet her tomorrow. 

Actually Hermana Flores and another hermana that we live with are getting transferred so we´re getting two new hermanas in the house. It´s going to be very interesting :) 

In other news, I can officially say that I had Chikungunya! It´s a mosquito transported virus here. But I had a very mild case. Usually it can put a missionary in bed for 3 days to two weeks. But like i said, I got a very mild case. I was very achy and had headaches and a little fever for about four days (not enough to keep me from working though) and then I got a really bad rash all over my body. Red dots everywhere. It was ugly and my hands hurt a lot but now it´s finally all gone. Yay! I´m really grateful that i didn´t get it too badly. All your love, thoughts, and prayers must be working. So thank you!

Investigator News: We found out today that we completely lost one of our investigators. She was so wonderful too! She always kept all of her committments and soaked up everything we taught her. She originally started taking our lessons because her boyfriend/fiancee is a member. and they were supposed to be getting married this week. But we just found out that apparently they broke up, she´s pregnant, and she´s not getting baptized anymore. We were very surprised... and sad. we´re going to try and get in contact with her so we can hear the story from her. 
But in other news, we have 3 scheduled baptisms for January that i´m really excited about. We have some great investigators but we just need to get them to go to church! Always a problem here...

anyhoo, that´s all I´ve got. These next couple of weeks will be exciting/interesting adapting to a new companion and the changes in the district and zone. we´ll see! 

Spiritual goodness: I was able to watch The Nativity Story with some other missionaries and it was so good! I really like this movie and I would recommend it to everyone! It´s really a wonderful persceptive on the story of our Savior´s birth. And it´s very realistic! It definitely made me think about the circumstances surrounding Christ´s birth and how each piece in the story was orchestrated by God. Here´s my challenge for you:

Women- Imagine what it would have been like to be Mary. An angel tells you that you are going to bare, not only a child, but the Son of God. But it´s one thing being told something like that and for it to actually happen. But it does! And can you imagine having to go more than a hundred miles, 8 months pregnant, riding on the back of a donkey? That is one strong woman.

Men- Imagine what it would have been like to be Joseph. You´re engaged to a woman and suddenly you find out that she´s pregnant. Can you imagine how devastated you would feel to think that she was unworthy to you? And then imagine seeing an angel in a dream telling you that your fiancee is carrying the Son of God. not only that, but suddenly you become responsible for that child. You suddenly are given this huge responsiblity to care for, provide for, and protect this child and his mother. 

I would encourage you all to reread the nativity story in the Bible and ponder it carefully. Imagine yourself in the story and what it would have been like to be there. Whether you imagine yourself as Mary or Joseph, or maybe a shepherd or a wise man. And then think of the significance of Christ´s life here on the Earth and what He did for all Mankind. :)

I love my Savior and I love this Gospel! 

Merry Christmas everyone!


Hermana Dibble

My mission mom and my mission grandma. (My comp and her trainer)


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